Sunday, November 28, 2010

I've got some extra credit.

I was never really into blogging. Honestly, it just seemed like too much work to keep up with. Although, I did have a Tumblr which I mainly used to see Internet memes and other tidbits the Internet has to offer.

The blogs helped reinforce material we learned in class. I noticed they always related to one of the themes that was lectured on during the week. Although, it seemed that the last couple of blog assignments weren’t as focused as the earlier ones, but they still helped with clarifying the material.

Some difficulties I found with using the blog were more technical than conceptual. I had a hard time embedding a YouTube video into my blog post so I ended up just inserting the link.

The blogs that I found most interesting were centered on conceptual theories. Having to dissect theories and have rational applications helped me understand them more. For instance, our first assignment on hegemony helped me understand its application to media and its applications to our society.

I would recommend the use of blogs in future courses because I preferred it over turning in weekly writing assignments. It also may provide better interaction between students and TAs with the commenting feature.

To improve the blogging experience I would suggest more section interaction through commenting on each other’s blogs.

 Yes, you can use my blog in a paper or report.

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